Our Kind Little Stars 15 January
We began the week with our congratulatory assembly awarding stars of the week and kindness certificates.
Early Years
Acorns – Emmy W for working collaboratively like Mac and Mabel to build the tallest tower with Freya!
Kindness: Phoebe R for being kind and caring to everyone!
Oaks – Aryan P for being like Creative Connie, creating his own fabulous crocodile from junk materials
Kindness: Lilly T for looking after our new friend in Oaks
Star of the Week: Sam N for working hard at home and concentrating so well in his remote learning just like Peter Participator
Kindness: Rohan M for being so kind and helpful to his friends at school
Sweet Chestnut
Star of the Week: Ada W for working hard and concentrating so well this week just like Peter Participator
Kindness: Sophia O for being so kind and helpful to her friends at school
Star of the Week: Jude C for being like Independent Ivy when completing his Maths learning at home.
Kindness: Justice N for being kind and helpful to his friends at school
Star of the Week: Lexy T for becoming such a fabulous Independent Ivy with her remote learning this week.
Kindness: Elisa C for being so kind and polite saying thank you to Miss Holmes at the end of all of her remote learning lessons
Star of the Week:Sefton P for great resilience with his writing in our zoom lessons this week, just like Resilient Roger
Kindness: Francesca W for being incredibly kind and thoughtful to her mummy
Star of the Week: Harriet C for working so hard on her zoom lessons this week just like Independent Ivy and Resilient Roger.
Star of the Week: Gabriella H for working so hard on her zoom lessons this week just like Independent Ivy and Resilient Roger
Kindness: Blake for being thoughtful and sharing his lovely stories with his friends via zoom
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