Early Years curricular (ages 2-4)

Our Pre-Prep Early Years children follow a vibrant and bespoke curriculum, taught by our highly qualified and committed staff.

Age two to three: Pupils are given time to settle in to their new surroundings and focus on the three areas of Personal and Social development; communication, language and physical development. The children at this age enjoy regular learning walks and playtime in the grounds, and particularly enjoy the Forest School sessions that take place each day.

Aged three to four: The children begin to prepare for their move into Reception as they follow the acclaimed Read, Write, Inc scheme, which is a fun and child-centred approach to teaching literacy. Early writing skills such as the correct pencil grip and formation of letters using sand tray activities, tracing and whiteboards are also covered.

Those who are ready will be provided with the opportunity to read and write at a young age and to develop their mathematical skills beyond their current levels of expectation.

Child-initiated learning is an important part of what we do, giving our children the ability to choose and make decisions with their peers. For example, Forest School sessions allow children to take managed risks and learn certain boundaries for themselves. We believe that children learn more effectively if they are given the strategies to do so. If they understand how they can make decisions and investigate for themselves, they will become more interested, capable, and keen to learn.

Each child has their own assessment document that builds a picture of achievement. Ongoing assessments ensure that we give each child the individual education that provides them with the opportunity to reach their full potential.

As children grow confident, and to provide them with a wide expanse of knowledge in preparation for their next step into Reception, we develop a child’s learning in English, Mathematics, Topic, Art, Music, Drama, PE, Sports, Forest School, and Language awareness.