School Life

The school runs on a two-week timetable named Green week and Blue week. You will have a weekly Headmaster’s Assembly and Tutor sessions and a fortnightly Head of Year Assembly, Chapel and House meetings. All Assemblies and Chapels will include important notices and themes for you to reflect upon. Tutor sessions will include academic and pastoral activities for your own development. Along with your academic lessons, you will also have Personal Development Education (PDE) once a weekly which includes PSHE, Relationships and Sex Education, Citizenship, Careers and Personal Finance.

Pupil wellbeing is of paramount importance here at Langley. Without being mentally fit and well, you will struggle to be successful in all that you do, whether in the classroom, on the stage or on the sports field. This is why we have many sources of help if you are having difficulties. We want you to get the very best out of your time here with us at Langley, becoming confident and kind individuals, leaving us feeling ready for many challenges that you may face in the future. That’s our job – to get you ready for life! We take this job very seriously and we want you to be happy and feel safe here. Throughout your time, the Pastoral System is a structure to support you during that journey.

Whilst at Langley you will be a member of a House. These Houses are: Beauchamp, Mancroft, St Giles and Crome.

You will wear a pin to represent your House and take part in regular House meetings and whole school events such as House Music, Sports Day, Diversity Games and a range of other House events as well as supporting your chosen House charity.

Timings of the day

Timings Period
8.30 Arrive
8.40 Tutor
8.50 Lesson 1
9.50 Transition
9.55 Lesson 2
10.55 Break
11.15 Lesson 3
12.15 Lunch
13.15 Assemblies & Tutor Time
13.45 Lesson 4
14.45 Transition
14.50 Lesson 5
15.50 Break
15.55 Enrichment