A-Level Photography work

Katie W (Beauchamp)
Katie explores the connection between photography, memory, and identity. She used images from her adoptive background and explored news ways of creating images from these.

Katie Ward post 2 scaled

Evie (Beauchamp)
Fascinated by stereotypes and cultural perceptions of gender, Evie undertook a longform project looking at representations of contemporary masculinity and the concept of ‘toxic masculinity.’

Evie Matthews post 3 1 scaled

Katy C (Mancroft)
Katy looked at advertising and the vast amount of imagery that bombards us all every day. She worked with digital and analogue photography, as well as collage and mixed media pieces, looking also at political photomontage and the work of John Heartfield.

Katy Chambers post 4 1 scaled

Kathryn (St Giles)
Over the course of her two-year A-Level, which took in both periods of lockdown, Kathryn explored the idea of the photographic landscape. Adapting her project to periods of isolation, significant restriction and profound change in her ways of working.

Kathryn Gray post 5 scaled

Kathryn’s final work explored a now derelict property once lived in for generations by her family who farmed in the local community. She also collected items and photographed them. With the farm now up for sale, these items form the last physical link to their occupancy.

Kathryn Gray post 6 1 scaled

Sofia (St Giles)
Sofia explored the history of fashion photography. Utilising elements of Mise en scène – paying close attention to elements such as costume, location, props and lighting – she crafted beautiful images loaded with mystery and meaning.

Sofia Groves post 7 1 scaled

Alfie (alumni, class of 2020)
Exploring the Norfolk coastline and investigating various geographical areas, Alfie’s project ended up as a foray into deep mapping areas of coastal deprivation on the cusp of Brexit and the as yet unforeseen COVID-19 pandemic.

Alfie Burton 1 post 8 scaled

Hilary (St Giles)
Hilary returned to Macau in December and, little did she know, the pandemic meant she would not return to school. Rising to the challenge, including working with an eight hour time difference, Hilary directed her project into areas that would have not previously been possible.

Hilary Wong post 9 scaled
Published On: July 7th, 2021Categories: News, Sixth Form