14th January 2025
Yesterday, our Year 6 pupils at Langley Prep School participated in a thoroughly engaging Restless Earth workshop, a disaster relief mapping workshop from the British Cartographic Society led by Jennifer Johnston. The workshop focused on the Japanese earthquake of March 2011, which the pupils have been studying.
The workshop focused on cartographic skills related to the earthquake and tsunami, and the pupils certainly developed these throughout the afternoon. The pupils took on the roles of humanitarian aid, search and rescue, and military and medical aid in disaster relief. They mimicked the job of mapping organisations such as MapAction, Shelter Box and the UN in producing maps to support the aid workers mentioned above. They were wowed by their ability to draw nuclear exclusion zones and tsunami flooding zones to scale and plot HQs for Humanitarian Relief Services, among other things.
Overall, It was a very useful and worthwhile experience for the pupils. Thank you to Jenn for leading the workshop.
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