Music performances to shout about
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Music performances to shout about

30th May 2023

Prep School pupils rounded off the first half of Trinity term with musical performances to shout about! The annual Bullard House Shout is always eagerly anticipated and it didn’t disappoint this year, with some brilliant songs from all the Houses.

The Pre-Prep theme was animals, and featured music from The Lion King and The Little Mermaid, while the Prep theme was Space; the winning song being ‘Celestial,’ complete with Ed Sheeran masks worn by all the children singing. Well done to Wrens, who won the House Shout coveted title this year, Mr Sheeran would no doubt be impressed!

Prep pupils took to the stage again for an end-of-half-term Soiree in the ballroom at the Senior School in Loddon. Pupils proudly showcased their hard work in front of an audience made up of their peers, parents and staff.

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Langley Nursery, Pre-Prep & Prep School Taverham, Norwich, NR8 6HU 01603 868206
Langley Senior School & Sixth Form Loddon, Norwich, NR14 6BJ 01508 520210
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